GPS World recently published an article entitled “Satelles shows improved PNT accuracy from LEO constellation” highlighting a recent presentation by Satelles’ Dr. Gregory Gutt at the Institute of Navigation International Technical Meeting demonstrating new tests using configurations with a differential source and with a more accurate OCXO clock, producing timing accuracy of 160 nanoseconds. The testing employed three different configurations of equipment, services, and environment, as shown in the adjacent figure. Equipment employed in the tests included a Stanford Research Systems (SRS) rubidium vapor frequency reference, based on the PRS10 module, and a Satelles Evaluation Kit (EVK2) STL receiver, comprising a Maxim RF chip, Xylinx Spartan-3 FPGA , TI dual core DSP chip, and internal OCXO or external clock. Click here for full GPS Article
GPS World Article “Satelles shows improved PNT accuracy from LEO constellation”