STL Certified Receivers

Satelles partners with solution providers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that engineer user equipment and have incorporated STL technology. We have a rigorous certification process to ensure our customers experience robust, secure, and resilient service no matter the device.

The following receivers have been STL certified:

OSA 5405 S Compact PTP Grandmaster and STL receiver

The OSA 5405-S is an integrated PTP grandmaster as well as an STL and GNSS receiver for deployment in a wide variety of environments and industries. From 5G to smart grids and data centers, the OSA 5405-S meets requirements for resiliency, reliability and accuracy. Supporting multiple PTP profiles, this solution can also be utilized as a synchronization gateway between service providers and utility networks.

[See Data Sheet]

For more information, please visit: Oscilloquartz website or Adtran website

Buy from an authorized reseller: Oscilloquartz Partners

Stay tuned for additional integrated products and modules coming soon.

STL Service Subscriptions

STL service is sold by subscription, either bundled with equipment purchase (one time Cap Ex charge), or standalone.

For more information, please Contact Us.




STL receivers require an antenna that can receive the STL signal broadcasting in the Iridium L-band spectrum. Please see our Resources page for recommended antennas.