A feature story in the July/August issue of Geospatial World makes the case for why access to dependable and uninterrupted sources of positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) is essential to our economy and society. Entitled “Strengthening PNT to Avert Economic Setbacks,” this article points to STL from Satelles as one of the alternative PNT technologies that exist today.
The piece includes some key quotes from Michael O’Connor, CEO of Satelles, and Christina Riley, VP of Commercial PNT.
- Michael O’Connor on his definition of resilient PNT: “The concept of resilient PNT is context and application-specific, because achieving a state of resilient PNT for a user, a company, a critical infrastructure sector, or a nation are all different things. In other words, resilient PNT takes on different meanings depending on the scale or scope of the application, or the system that is being protected and backed up.”
s - Christina Riley on delivering STL as a LEO PNT solution: “One key advantage of LEO satellites for PNT is that the solution is scalable, making LEO PNT solutions highly suitable for applications that require a wide-area, nationwide or even worldwide service, such as wireless communication networks, mobile payment services, and power grids.”
The story concludes by highlighting that “no single product, service, solution, or technology can meet the demands of PNT-dependent applications,” and goes on to quote a DHS study which says that “diversity of capabilities in the national PNT ecosystem is a strength, not a weakness.” Indeed, this is a principle that aligns with the Open PNT Industry Alliance, of which Satelles is a member.