Satelles CEO Michael O’Connor as panelist at Telecom Council of Silicon Valley Roundtable discussing “What’s Up With Satellites?”, moderated by Jason Rainbow, Editor of SatelliteFinance.
Roundtable discussion of satellites, Low Earth Orbits satellites, and what the potential is for communications services, network providers, imaging, Space aaS, and other possible services. Panelist to address what changes to expect from the LEO communication opportunity and brainstorm some futuristic uses of satcom.
Panelists include:
Eric Stark, National Sales Manager at ViaSat
Fernando Nocedal, Director of Business Development at General Dynamics SATCOM
Sean Hopkins, Sales Engineer at Sandvine
Michael O’Connor, Chief Executive Officer at Satelles
Moderated by Jason Rainbow, Editor, SatelliteFinance
Telecom Council of Silicon Valley Roundtable