Many companies offer time transfer technologies, but only Satelles gives customers an actual source of time. That’s what Satelles STL is — a Stratum 0 UTC source of timing.
An alternative to time transfer PNT solutions, Satelles STL can be used to create a Stratum 1 timing clock compliant with the ITU-T G.8272 PRTC-A performance standard.
What Makes STL Different
Timing stabilities of 20-100 nanoseconds (1-sigma) are available depending on receiver oscillator type — e.g., temperature-compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO), oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCXO), and atomic clocks.
Timing consistency relative to NIST clocks of better than 1 nanosecond averaged over 25 days (source: U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology study).
Traceable to the UTC(USNO) time scale via multiple, geographically distributed GPS tracking sources.
Traceable to the UTC(NIST) time scale through a direct connection to NIST at the agency’s laboratory in Boulder, Colorado.
Want to know more? Check out the STL timing specification sheet and read about the test results and findings from NIST and other government entities.
What is UTC?
UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time — the world’s time standard. It is a coordinated time scale maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) based on solar time (measured by the earth’s rotation) and closely synchronized time scales derived from hundreds of highly precise atomic clocks around the world.
In the United States, NIST is the government entity responsible for maintaining the national standards for time and frequency in coordination with the U.S. Naval Observatory. These time scales are known as UTC(NIST) and UTC(USNO). There are multiple time scales around the world, including UTC(NRC) in Canada, UTC(NPL) in the United Kingdom, UTC(NICT) in Japan, and more than 80 others.