Following up their June 2020 announcement of the PNT-6200 Series time and frequency reference system — which is capable of receiving Satellite Time and Location (STL) from Satelles — Jackson Labs Technologies, Inc. has just introduced another device that supports STL.

The new STL-2600 is a 1.4″ x 2.0″ x 0.5″ (36mm x 51 mm x 13mm) module that provides a GNSS-independent, low-cost capability to generate UTC nanosecond timing and meters-accurate stationary positioning anywhere in the world while operating in a way that is similar to what a GPS user is accustomed to but completely without GPS. This STL-compatible small receiver module combines a custom-designed STL L1 LEO receiver and a latest-generation concurrent-GNSS receiver with a disciplined high-stability reference oscillator sub-system on a single circuit board.

Coverage of the STL-2600 launch appears in Inside GNSS – “New GNSS-Independent Receiver Generates Nanosecond Timing, Meter-Level Accuracy from Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Signals” and GPS World – “Jackson Labs offers miniature STL LEO receiver.” Both articles offer a more in-depth description of the unit along with a list of features and specifications.