Satelles joined the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions in 2021. Among the priorities for ATIS are advancing 5G technology and looking ahead to our 6G future. Satelles is an active member of the ATIS Synchronization Committee (known as SYNC) that recommends standards and solutions related to telecommunications network technology pertaining to network synchronization.


Satelles has been an Advisory Board member of the Center for Assured & Resilient Navigation in Advanced Transportation Systems (CARNATIONS) since 2023. Designated as a Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) by the U.S. Department of Transportation, CARNATIONS is applying government grants to improve transportation navigation systems by making them more resilient to cyberattacks. To fulfill its mission, CARNATIONS brings together a consortium of partner institutions including Illinois Tech, Chicago State University, Stanford University, the University of California-Riverside, and Virginia Tech to form a research team working at the forefront of resilient PNT for multimodal transportation systems.


The Institute of Navigation has been advancing the art and science of since 1945 and currently has members in more than 50 countries. Satelles has been a corporate member of ION for many years and regularly attends meetings and events.


Satelles has been a member of the Open PNT Industry Alliance since its formation in 2020. This coalition of manufacturers and service providers is dedicated to helping their customers back up GPS/GNSS by delivering alternative forms of positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT). Its mission is to promote open market concepts that preserve industry’s long-term ability to harness its collective ingenuity to protect GPS/GNSS with multiple solutions that are technologically advanced, commercially viable, and based on a sustainable long-term funding framework.


Satelles joined the Satellite Safety Alliance in 2020. The organization seeks to protect critical satellite communications from the threat of harmful interference.